

很愉快我在美觀的珠海市報名參加旨在龍神集團與SPCB互相承辦的(de)(de)《第七(qi)屆(廈門)新(xin)式的(de)(de)國際(ji)前治理 及噴(pen)砂枝(zhi)術頂層座談會》,并與這(zhe)里(li)的(de)(de)好友們(men)及上司們(men)做(zuo)出學習交流,對您們(men)的(de)(de)不支持深表感謝的(de)(de)句子! 



 Mr.Pascal SERAZIN

5th Jan,2006

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Nice to meet you at Zhuhai to participate the <> held by Long Initiatives(ZH)Co.,Ltd and SPCB France. And thanks for your participating and supporting!

Since collaborate with Longco, we are glad to see the good reputation of Longco in Chinese market, the wide business scope, the sincerely after-sale services and the advanced management idea. Also, wed like to introduce the advanced products and techniques into China through Longco. We feel the large potential of Chinese market and will strengthen the support to Longco to promote and advertise our coating products, linking quality and environment protection.


Thanks for your presenting and supporting again!


 Mr.Pascal SERAZIN

5th Jan,2006